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The Monastery Of The Heart - Introduction
The Monastery Of The Heart - Introduction
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Introduction To the Many Seekers, After more than fifty years of life in a monastery, I have begun to sift and sort the effects of it all, asking myself, what—if anything—of monastic life is worth passing on to others in this day and age? What of this life has any impact or impor
Great Christian Thinkers - 34 St. Maximus The Confessor
Great Christian Thinkers - 34 St. Maximus The Confessor
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Maximus The Confessor One of the great Fathers of the Eastern Church in later times w s a monk, St. Maximus. His fearless courage in witnessing to— “confessing”— even while suffering, the integrity of his faith in Jesus Christ, true God and true man, saviour of the world, ear
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3c The Characterization of Jesus
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 3c The Characterization of Jesus
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Characterization of Jesus More so in Mark than in any of the other Gospels, there is mystery surrounding the figure of Jesus. People wonder who he is (4:41; 6:3; 8:27, 29; 11:28; 14:61; 15:2), and Jesus often tells those who have knowledge of his identity to keep quiet about
The Edge of Glory - Introduction
The Edge of Glory - Introduction
by SPCK - David Adam
Introduction Whoever wrote St Patrick’s Breastplate, has certainly caught the essence of Celtic prayer. Patrick, arising in the morning and turning his thoughts to God, taking to himself the whole armour of God. As he laced up his tunic or the cross bands on his legs, he had his
Be strong
Be strong
by Joy Sykes
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
The Womens' Bible Commentary - “Why Do You Look On the Treacherous?”
The Womens' Bible Commentary - “Why Do You Look On the Treacherous?”
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
“Why Do You Look On the Treacherous?” The prophet bemoans the failure of his expectations, namely, that the sins of the nation’s leaders would be met by appropriate judgment and that God would judge the iniquities of Judah’s enemies as well…